Mount and Blade: Warband


Viking Conquest | 11 | The Girl Who Would Be King

Finally I’m murdering Vikings left and right!


Viking Conquest | 10 | The Girl Who Would Be King

OK, sure, just keep coming one at a time that works for me.


Viking Conquest | 6 | The Girl Who Would Be King

This is going to take a little longer than I thought.


Viking Conquest | 5 | The Girl Who Would Be King

Let’s tuck tail and sail back to Ireland 😛


Viking Conquest | 4 | The Girl Who Would Be King

Keep baling that water men! We’ll make it to shore yet!


Viking Conquest | 3 | The Girl Who Would Be King

It’s a good thing we had the high ground.


Viking Conquest | 2 | The Girl Who Would Be King

Trading and thief chasing is the name of this game.