Snellen to Diopter Conversion for Myopia
Use this conversion chart as an approximate guide to Snellen vs Diopters in your eyesight improvement journey. If your prescription is higher than about -4.00 you will likely not find the Snellen chart very useful and should consider relying on…
Reversing Myopia – 4 Reductions in 6 months
This is a continuation from part 2 of my vision improvement journey which you can read here: Today marks the 6 month point in my efforts to improve my vision with natural methods. I’m happy to report that the…
How to measure your own myopia and astigmatism at home
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, this is not a replacement for an eye exam and it will not tell you if you have any eye diseases. This is also not as accurate as the…
Myopia, Astigmatism and Presbyopia Improvement – Month 3 Update
This is the continuation from part 1 of my vision improvement journey which you can read here: Part 1 also goes over the things I’m doing to improve my vision. Recap I’m 45 years old, have been wearing glasses…
My Vision Improvement Journey – Day 30 Update
Background I’m 45 years old and have been wearing glasses for myopia since around age 10. Latest Exam I had a Comprehensive Eye Exam on April 20 2023 including eye dilation and 3D imaging. Eye health was good. However my…